Thursday, January 26, 2017


La Puerta Abierta / Library and Learning Center, Santiago Atitlan,

Here is the link to the school we will be visiting and working at while in Santiago.

Guatemala, February 2017

As many of you may know our school has developed an ongoing relationship with LA Puerta Abierta, a small early childhood program in Guatemala.  We were very fortunate to have Juanita, a teacher at the school, spend several days with us last Winter working in the classrooms and exchanging curriculum ideas.  In addition, we help support La Puerta Abierta by selling the beautiful finger puppets and handmade items created by the mothers to raise operating funds for the school.
Now it is time for us to visit them.  Carole and Pauline will travel to Guatemala in February.  They will work directly with the children and teachers, sharing our schools philosophy, curriculum ideas and culture.  Amanda the founder of La Puerta Abierta visited our school in December where we were able to learn about each others programs and discuss plans for our trip.
We look forward to sharing this journey with you all.